Visibility, Strength, Stability
The Problem
Have you ever installed a safety / snow fence at your construction site, around a pit, or excavation only to find it lying on the ground? Even those fences installed with the best of intentions are no match to weather conditions and daily wear and tear that cause the wire ties and plastic zip ties to break or rip the fencing material. An improperly secured area can lead to safety hazards to both employees and the public, and even corporate liabilities arising from lack of due diligence.
Neither the wire ties or plastic zip ties are reusable, and in most cases are discarded on the ground contributing to environmental issues.
The Solution
The Safe T Fencemate is a bright yellow, weather resistant, reusable, plastic fastener used to attach safety / snow fence onto steel t-posts in place of wire ties or plastic zip ties. With its patented locking tabs it is designed to withstand weather conditions and the daily wear and tear on construction sites that neither the wire ties or plastic zip ties can.
The Safe T Fencemate comes with a top cap that is easily inserted into the top end of the Fencemate, if required, to further prevent the fence from falling down. This top cap can be upgraded to an accessory cap that is designed to attach other safety devices to enhance the visual aspect of your safety fence.
Accessories include, but are not limited to flashing Safe T Solar lights, flags, or signs. The Safe T Fencemate and the Safe T Solar light can also be attached to construction site chain link fencing, construction road signs and wooden or steel sign posts for added vision and safety on any job site.